Rena White Star, first nation teacher of many, provider for her extended family, and beloved servant of the medicine needs your help.
If you have been around the ceremonial fires in the Bay Are and Santa Cruz, you have undoubtedly heard her name spoken with love and reverence. Many have had the good fortune to have been in her ceremonies. So much healing has occurred in her presence, and the world is a much better place because of her.
We now have an opportunity to express our appreciation, nurture her, and see her smile.
Rena has had some complications after a major heart attack. She is home now, can barely speak, let alone do.
This from Pearl, Rena’s beloved granddaughter:
Grandma Rena what can we say? She’s come in to just so many people’s lives with open arms, open eyes no judgment . And right now she needs that love. She just got out of ICU from being in a coma for a week and a half she is home now and resting.
As of now that she is home her family is worried about getting her back and forth to her doctor’s for the rehabilitation she needs.
With much love and appreciation from Grandma Rena and family
All proceeds donated to this campaign will pass directly through to her family.

Donations To Rena White Star
Aho! Mitakuye Oyasin!