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Those of us who progress from twelve step to sweat lodge find that they can be natural complements. Native-led Sweat Lodges can be appropriately awe-inspiring for those of us who need another day, another week, another moon, or another year of sobriety. About a year ago, we approached folks at the Drug Abuse Alternative Center in Santa Rosa, and then at The Turning Point, the DAAC-administered halfway house. The purpose was to show the Good Red Road to people in recovery.

On February 24th, 2000 we had an introductory Pipe Ceremony for the clientele at the Turning Point. This was an opportunity for the clients to pray, smoke the Chanupa, get to know us. We passed out a sign-up sheet for a Sweat Lodge at the end of the session. Of 33 client attendees, 30 signed up.

We did the Sweat Lodge on March 3rd, 2000. We had 29 client attendees. When it was overÉ well, I’ve never been thanked so many times in my life. There is a feeling of euphoria generated by the Lodge that extends far beyond the Lodge’s wooden frame. We made a lot of friends on the Good Red Road that day.

This year, the Angeles Arrien Foundation has given us partial funding for a year of Pipe Ceremonies and Sweat Lodges for people in recovery in The Turning Point program. We received only a portion of the year’s budget from the Angeles Arrien Foundation, so we are seeking support from our community for the balance. If you would like to help sponsor this really great program, please send a donation, and mark the check “Sweats for People In Recovery”. Thanks!

A Ho Mitakuye Oyasin
Brian Elder